Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Oy, Oy, My Boy Is Goy

Via the Times of Israel, the fashion designer, Risk, has made a range of Jewish-themed clothes, including a  t-shirt: 'Oy, Oy, My Boy Is Goy'…- I needed that with some of the boyfriends I had in days gone by- but the aim is to make Jewish clothing 'more sexy'

Hmmm this will  go down well with the Haredi. 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Zionist enemies of religion strike again...

An absolute scandal in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  is this :

British newsreader sparks outrage in Saudi Arabia after appearing on TV without headscarf

You might ask what is wrong with a well groomed, modestly dressed & attractive young woman a cause for scandal ? The answer is not that she is the first woman news presenter, which surprisingly she is not. No the answer is that she ISN'T wearing a veil!  (being able to do so, because the TV station is located in the UK).

What is the response to this? Why it is all part of Zionist plot  of course :
"Many praised the move as a step forward for women’s rights in the strict Islamic country.But others branded the move as a step too far and Twitter hashtag #newsencouragesadornments was widely circulated.One user..., called the channel’s producers ‘zionist enemies of religion’.Most remarked on how shocked they were at the newsreader’s bare-headed appearance."
But people in the Kingdom need not worry. They have promised that this WON'T happen again. Great to see human rights and women's feminism  is progressing extremely well....Oh and should anyone wish to point out about Jewish modesty laws, the differences are :

1. Wearing a hat, a wig or bandanna is only applicable to married women, not all.
2. The modesty laws apply to men and women in equal measure
3. It is something which no-one can force you to do, by power of the state.
4. Women have always had far more minimum rights under Jewish law & culture, than under either Islam or Western culture (sex, food, clothing, right to own property, education to name but a few).
5. Personally I do not cover my head in the house, only when I am out. My husband has taken to wearing a Kippah, inside and outside of the house... except when we are making love.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Tisha B' Av (9th Av)

Today is  a fast day in Judaism, where we refrain from eating, drinking, washing, bathing, applying creams or oils to our bodies, no wearing of leather shoes, no sex or other  pleasurable activities & no Torah study (deemed to be a pleasure, except for certain specific texts). This fast is in order to remember the destruction of both Temples and the many catastrophes that have happened to the Jewish people, including the many expulsions of Jews from Europe, the first crusade,which decimated  the German and French Jewish communities, & the Shoah. We read through the book of Lamentations, the book of Job and Kinnot (Jewish liturgical poems). 

Here is one written by Sephardi Rabbi Judah Ha-Levi: 

Tzion, halo tishali leshalom asira'ich, 
dorshey shlomech vehem yeter idra'ich?
Miyam umuzrach umetzafon veteyman shalom
rachok vekarov se'i michol avraich.
Veshalom asir tikvah noten dim'av k'tal chermon
venichsaf leridatam al hararaich!

Livkot anotech ani tanim, ve'et echlom
shivat shvutech - ani kinor leshiraich.

Tzion, halo tishali leshalom asiraich, 
dorshey shlomech vehem yeter idraich?
Ashrei mechakeh veyagi'a veyir'eh alut
oech veyivke'u alav shacharaich -
lir'ot betovat bechiraich
vela'aloz besimchatech
beshuvech elai kidmat neuraich!

Livkot anotech ani tanim, ve'et echlom
shivat shvutech - ani kinor leshiraich.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Great War Remembrance thread

I have been watching some of the commemorations today and I was going to put up a remembrance thread but my brother Sam has already beaten me to it here. 

[I may comment on this subject in more detail, though, later on in the week].

Hippocratic Oath Revisited

This is a story that I picked up on the Jerusalem post, allegedly a medical professional in Belgium refused to treat an elderly Jewish patient because of Gaza. The situation is being formally investigated by the authorities, so I won't comment on the specifics of this one.

In general I hope everyone agrees that clearly a medical professional refusing to help someone who is Jewish (or any other group for that matter) because of their political dislike of the  actions of a state [Israel], is morally and (hopefully) legally wrong in most western countries. 'Period', as the Americans would say. We shall see what happens in this case, but  more generally, shall we not remind ourselves of what the  [modern] Hippocratic Oath say about patient welfare ? 

Oh, let's see :
"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help".  

Shark in the clouds ?

Shark cloud, South Wales

Friday, 1 August 2014

About the left...

One thing that our family have always found frustrating is that the left are highly critical of Israel and in a strange coalition with an ideology which in theory should be antithetical  to their own. I've come across this excellent article here, an extract is below: 
"To my former friends on the left who see themselves as champions of progressive values while criticizing Israel’s attempts at self-defense I have this to say: You have already chosen. You’re all right-wingers now. You would probably want to cancel that monthly contribution to Planned Parenthood; the Gazan maniacs you tolerate don’t really go for that kind of stuff. And go ahead and give the membership department of the National Rifle Association a call, as you are now putting up with an organization whose passion for bearing arms at all costs far exceeds even that of the most fervent American survivalist. So please: Stop whining about the Koch brothers or the Tea Party or the Hobby Lobby ruling. In making excuses for Hamas, you’re endorsing a force of religious intolerance and a purveyor of oppression far, far more demonic than those benign forces at home you characterize as the destroyers of civil liberties and human rights."
Exactly. So if you are left wing, what DO you have to say for yourself?